Thursday, June 5, 2008

Haudenosaunee people and the early colonials

In the hallway you will see some wonderful panoramic landscapes displayed by the Inventors.

The 4th grade has been studying the Haudenosaunee *people and the early colonial period in the United States. The Iroquois nations' political union, their Great Law of Peace and democratic government have been credited as strong influences on the United States Constitution.
Students studied colonial and Native American history, family and community life and created characters in words (first person narratives) and in clay figures.

* The Iroquois Confederacy (also known as the "League of Peace and Power", the "Five Nations"; the "Six Nations"; or the "People of the Longhouse") is a group of First Nations/Native Americans that originally consisted of five nations: the Mohawk, the Oneida, the Onondaga, the Cayuga, and the Seneca. A sixth tribe, the Tuscarora, joined after the original five nations were formed. Although frequently referred to as the Iroquois, the Nations refer to themselves collectively as Haudenosaunee (Akunęhsyęni in Tuscarora). A few finished examples are below.

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