4th grade community at the Atrium School,Watertown,MA
Monday, January 7, 2008
More December notes...
We finished our personal narratives and published them as a CD. Each family should have a copy. Your CD may look like this or may have a custom designed cover, illustrating your child's story.
Vamos a leer. Let's read. Vamos a cantar. Vamos a jugar.
Inventor's Podcast at:
http://storypodnewengland.libsyn.com/ click on link above and choose a podcast for your PC or Mac. Listen to personal narratives, fairy tales and poetry from our 4th graders
Green Streets
2008032820080328Walk/Ride Day! Go and Wear Green to Participate
2008042520080425Walk/Ride Day! Go and Wear Green to Participate
2008053020080530Walk/Ride Day! Go and Wear Green to Participate
May 30: Walk/Ride Day!
2008062720080627Walk/Ride Day! Go and Wear Green to Participate
Jun 27: Walk/Ride Day!
Palabras Divertidas
Feliz primavera Happy Spring ¡ Pero, hace frio ! But, it's cold!!! Vamos al recreo. Let's go to recess. Cuando es el recreo?When is recess? Me toca a mi. It's my turn. Te toca a ti. It's your turn. Puedo jugar? -- May I play? Quiero jugar.--I want to play. Hoy es el día de los pijamas -- Today is pajama day. Espera, un momento, por favor -- Wait one moment, please. Mas o menos - more or less ¡ Yo lo tengo ¡ -- I got it. ¡ Chiste! -- Just kidding Solo bromeando. -- Just kidding Lo que paso, paso -- What is done, is done. ¿ Que tal ? -- What's up? more to to come...
http://portaportal.com Enter at “Guest Access” atriumgrade4 – with nospaces. And click on “visit”. Under the Math icon click on Great Skill Games and choose a game to practice. Check out the new “challenges” link which includes the Sieve of Eratosthenes, an ancient algorithm which was used to find prime numbers.
First Snow Recess
We went out to enjoy the first snowflakes
Inventors reading
GM annouces Volt, a new electric car ~ JAN 2007
January 7, 2007 - Last month, Bob Lutz, General Motors' renowned car czar, stood before a room full of reporters and offered a stunning meaculpa. "A few years ago," he said,"we made a bad decision." That decision: GM failed to green light a hybrid car, even though it had the know-how and the technology left over from its failed EV1 electric car. The Chevy Volt, a plug-in hybrid that GM says will go 150mpg or more.When will the Volt arrive? GM won't say.
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